This morning was sunny and spring like, though now it is gray and windy out. That's New England weather alright! I felt quite motivated to get out on a bike this morning and did just shy of 20 miles around one of my regular loops. I took it easy and didn't feel too bad even after so much time off.
I hope we have a good March for riding as this off season time is the best around here. It's quiet and peaceful, even along the beaches. The sand dunes try to spread and fill in this boardwalk path and even try to cover the roads in spots. It's nice to have the cross tires so I feel pretty secure on any loose sand.

In between the heartache of losing grandmother and the winter weather keeping me off the bike, Jeff and I treated ourselves to a new TV that we've been wanting for some time. It's a 50" plasma one which certainly boosted my mood! Saturday, Jeff hooked up my laptop to it and we played around with watching
Cycling TV and
Versus on the big screen. Hopefully we'll be able to watch some of the Tours this way over the coming year as we don't have satellite or cable for race coverage.
Otherwise, I don't have much to report. I'm trying to catch up on reading cycling blogs and am getting through my Bloglines list though I haven't gotten around to commenting much. I'll get back to that soon too!