Well, it's definitely not Copenhagen Cycle Chic, but here's proof that biking is not always hardcore and spandex for me! It was light late enough for Jeff and I to hop on the bikes for a little ride after work. It's cloudy and rain is on the way along with lower temps, so it may be a while before we do this again.
I'm SO jealous! I had my bike in my car twice this week with hopes of a "between obligations" ride and got defeated by weather and circumstances both times. Lucky You!
wow, lucky you, I'm still stuck indoors on the trainer and tomorrow is due to be hideously wet and windy too - maybe we should emigrate!! Last time I tried cycling in my jeans they ended up covered in chain oil, you're obviously more skilled ;)
Another girl addicted to cycling! Blogging to help set goals for myself, record stats and have a place to share pics from my rides.
I’m working on building speed and skills. Not sure I’ll have the nerve to try racing. Jeff, my DH, tells me to “Dig Deep into my Handbag of Recklessness”, but I don’t see him racing either… Our main goal has been to keep up on fast-ish group rides.
When I’m not biking, I’m playing with my two silly dogs, a very fuzzy cat that seems to be allergic to his own coat, cooking yummy dishes (generally within the amount of calories I’ve burned on the bikes), making/drinking lattes, avoiding other forms of exercise as much as possible (though I must get better about upper body strength training), knitting, reading, viewing some TV (if it’s mysteries or certain comedies or news)…
I'm SO jealous! I had my bike in my car twice this week with hopes of a "between obligations" ride and got defeated by weather and circumstances both times. Lucky You!
wow, lucky you, I'm still stuck indoors on the trainer and tomorrow is due to be hideously wet and windy too - maybe we should emigrate!! Last time I tried cycling in my jeans they ended up covered in chain oil, you're obviously more skilled ;)
Sometimes it's nice just to get on and ride for the fun of it, without all the gear. I hope to do that more myself soon.
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