Thursday, December 24, 2009

Best Wishes!

I have been a horrible blog slacker, but wanted to sign in to wish everyone a happy Christmastime and New Year!!

No biking to report on lately with a painful knee and too many distractions! But you can see lots of winter fun is being had, including playtime in the snow with the dogs, on my general/not tracking fitness stats type of blog =)

(Scan of a vintage card from my Grandmother's scrapbook.)


2_wheels said...

You are not the only blogger slacker, I am in that boat too! I have an update to write, but it never happens. Hope that knee gets better soon. Have a great Christmas.

I want a snow cave....

ItchyBits said...

Whatcha do to the knee? Mine has been hurting like crazy - not sure what to blame it on....right now the kettle bell is getting the blame.

Bluenoser said...

Thank you for posting. Wondering whats been going on.
