Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Traffic Jam!

On my return trip on Ocean Drive today, a swan was trundling along one of the traffic lanes, with no apparent interest in going back to the marsh! Feeling vulnerable with only my bike to put between me and it, I still paused to get a pic and see if my presence would scare it off the road to safety. Having once been attacked by a swan, I didn't feel up to making any shooing motions at it!
It wasn't deterred by my being there and continued along the road, eventually causing a bit of a traffic jam! Someone braver than me got out of a car and waved their arms and clapped at it. After a few minutes of that, the swan finally left the road!

It was a solo ride for me today: 40 miles in the chilly 40's with a relentless wind. This little hill was my friend today, being just about my only shelter from the wind during my entire ride! After the steady whoosh of wind in my ears, a little silence as I climbed was so refreshing.

I added a list in my sidebar for the 30/30 challenge showing the day and number of miles which I will update daily, so you can check my progress even if I don't do an entire post.


kate said...

you're millage is very impressive-i don't mind if you don't want to post it ;)

jumbly said...

I saw a Kingfisher on my ride today. I like it when you get a bit of wildlife on a ride, makes it worth getting out there.

ribuck97 said...

The comical part about all of this riding is your yearly mileage has more than doubled since Sept!!! Crazy as most look to go indoors...