Sunday, December 21, 2008

O Christmas Tree

My legs are feeling a little twitchy from two days off the bike, but I'm getting a lot of other things done around here, like decorating for Christmas!

We have a tabletop tree, loaded with an assortment of ornaments from family and a few I've picked out over the years, but I don't seem to have a single bicycle ornament!


trio said...

The tree looks lovely!
Just think how strong you will be when you get back on your bike, a few days rest will do your legs the power of good.

Carl Buchanan said...

I agree rest is a good thing, it will make you stronger.

Now that I think about it, I do not believe that we have any cycling related ornaments either....hmmmmm.

kate said...

don't worry about not having a bike ornament, as long as you can fit a bike under the tree you'll be fine ;)

knitseashore said...

Your tree is so pretty! The red looks perfect with the colors in your living room.

I think the time off the bike will make you stronger too.

amidnightrider said...

It really looks like we will be riding by Friday. I plan on resuming my commute to work by bike that day.